According to WHO (World Health Organization), Corneal Blindness is the fourth leading cause of global blindness after cataract, glaucoma and age related macular degeneration. Corneal blindness is a significant problem, treated primarily by corneal transplants, a surgical procedure where the diseased or damaged cornea is removed and replaced by a healthy cornea from a deceased donor. If statistics are to be believed, of the 45 million blind people across the world, 15 million live in India. The downside is that 75% of these cases are of avoidable blindness, but due to the nation’s acute shortage of donors, most of the cases either go untreated or inadequately treated. In India, blindness has devastating effects on individuals, families and communities, impacting education, economic development and child mortality rates. While there is no doubt that rate of eye donations has picked up recently, the myths associated with eye donation is still holding back many from contributing to the cause.
On an average, the country needs 200,000 corneas in a year, and only around 45,000 are collected. Out of these, only 46% are utilized for sight restoration as the other 54% do not meet the standards for transplantation. As a result, the patient line-up and wait to get a corneal transplant keeps getting longer with each passing day. Furthermore, the cost of cornea transplant in addition to unavailability for corneas makes it practically impossible for underprivileged people to access these medical remedies. Therefore, creating awareness amongst the masses and encouraging them to pledge their eyes for donation is critical.
Jayanthi Cornea Collection Centre
We are tied up with Ramayamma International Eye bank, (LVPEI). We collect the corneas, in and around Rajahmundry, from the deceased and send them to LVPEI for further storage and transplantation.
Pledging Scenario
Hopes of two visually-challenged persons are shattered every time a dead person is buried or cremated with the corneas intact. It’s crucial that the family of the dead is aware about the pledge to donate eyes, and about retrieving corneas in time. Many times, though families are aware about the pledge, grief would give them little time to think about the donation.
To pledge your eyes or the eyes of any deceased loved one, go to the nearest eye bank and ask for a pledge form. Fill this form with the correct contact details, get it signed by at least two witnesses and submit it back to the eye bank. The eye bank will issue a donor card with their particulars on it. Carry this card with you always or keep it in a place where any family member can access it. You must also let your family know that you wish to be an eye-donor, because without their consent, the process cannot be completed. At the time of death, the family or friends may inform the concerned eye bank. There is no maximum age limit for eye donation. Even a person with poor vision or previous history of eye surgery can become a donor. The Recipient details are kept confidential.
The Cornea Retrieval should happen with in 6 hours of the demise of the donor. Hence intimation for collection of Cornea should be given immediately on demise of the donor.
Please Call Mr. R. Ajay Murthy – +91 9963702345 for EYE DONATION